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Device Security

Download the SecurlyHome Parent Portal app in the App Store or on Google Play.




At Idalou ISD, we understand that providing a safe learning environment for your child is a top priority for parents. That's why we take digital safety seriously, both in and out of the classroom. Our district devices are protected through a cloud-based filtering system 24/7, so students can learn anytime, anywhere, and always experience the same level of digital safety when using district devices.

However, we also recognize that each family may have different opinions on what their child should be able to access on district devices outside of school hours. That's where the SecurlyHome Parent Portal app comes in. With this app, parents can supervise their child's technology use on district devices outside of school hours by monitoring their activity, establishing personalized rules and limitations, and filtering content.

The app also allows parents to receive push notifications if their child searches content related to bullying, self-harm, or suicide while using a district device outside of school. And for even more control, parents can pause internet access on their child's district device or set offline schedules for internet usage.

We want parents to feel confident that their child is safe both in and out of the classroom when using district devices. Once the student enters the school day, the district regains control, and devices will follow Idalou ISD's established filters until the students leave the school's network again.




Check out these helpful videos from Securly on how to access and use their software to it’s fullest potential. 



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